Yes, Flowrev downloads and "tracks" tracking categories throughout the schedule creation process.

If a user's plan includes the capability, Flowrev will sync recognition journals specifying the tracking categories on each journal line.  This lets users keep their reporting consistent if they use Xero tracking categories.

If some invoice/bill lines have tracking defined, and others don't, then for the period being syncd, Flowrev will:

  • enter one journal line for each account with the amount aggregated across all schedules across lines that do not have any tracking defined.  
  • enter one journal line for each account with the amount aggregated across all schedules for lines with just one tracking option defined (either tracking option 1 or tracking option 2).
  • enter one journal line for each account with each unique combination of tracking category options - the amount will again be aggregated across all lines with that specific combination of tracking options

Note: Prior to archiving any tracking category option in Xero, ensure you have syncd (from the Revenue page or Costs page in Flowrev) all months that have schedules for invoice or bill lines that include that option.  Once a tracking option is archived, Xero will no longer enter journals with that option (though prior entered journals will be maintained).

An example journal, with tracking included in journals lines is shown below: